October is National Liver Awareness Month, Do You Know Your Liver Health? |

Take a liver health quiz, try a new 30-day liver healthy meal plan, and participate in free educational and community events all month long!
FAIRFIELD, N.J., Oct. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — October is National Liver Awareness Month, and the American Liver Foundation (ALF) is encouraging everyone to take a quick quiz to find out if they’re at risk for liver disease, try a new 30-day liver healthy meal plan, and participate in free educational and community events held all month long.
“Taking care of your liver is essential to your life,” said Lorraine Stiehl, Chief Executive Officer, American Liver Foundation. “Many liver diseases can be reversed through a healthy lifestyle, diet and exercise. Don’t wait until it’s too late, find out if you’re at risk and take the necessary steps to take charge of your liver health.”
Take the Quiz!
Try the Recipes!
Participate All Month Long!
- October 5th from 8AM ET to 5PM ET, get screened for liver disease at our Think Liver Think Life® Community Event held at the Brushy Mountain Apple Festival, in Wilkesboro, NC. Learn more at: https://thinkliverthinklife.org/education-and-awareness-events/north-carolina/
- October 7th from 6PM ET to 9PM ET, register to watch the livestream of our National Legacy Gala or participate in our silent auction available for pre-event and remote bidding. Go to learn more!
- October 10th at 4:30 PM ET, join us for Ask the Experts—Living with Liver Cancer. October is also Liver Cancer Awareness Month. This 45-minute online program is designed to help all those living with liver cancer and will provide information on the latest treatments, research and how to participate in clinical trials. Register for free at https://liverfoundation.org/events/programs-webinar-ask-the-experts-living-with-liver-cancer/
- October 23rd at 12:30 PM ET join us for a liver cancer event held in Spanish. ¿Está usted a riesgo de sufrir cáncer del hígado? Pregunte a los expertos will explore the unique aspects of liver cancer within the Hispanic/Latin communities. This virtual session will cover key factors including prevalence, risk factors, cultural influences, and effective prevention and treatment strategies. Register today at liverfoundation.org/events.
- Help Change the Face of Liver Disease Research this October by joining our new American Liver Foundation Patient Registry. The first-ever patient registry for all types of liver disease, the new registry will help provide researchers with a better understanding of liver diseases, the impact of current treatments, and how liver disease affects patients. Sign up at liverpatientregistry.org.
- Advocate for Liver Disease on Capitol Hill this October! Let’s use this month to remind lawmakers on Capitol Hill of the urgent need to address both obesity and liver disease through improved access, treatments, and innovation. Send the action alert linked here or visit liverfoundation.org/advocacy.
- Join one of our online support groups for caregivers, patients and transplant recipients! Sharing the Journey, an ALF support network for caregivers; Sharing the Journey, an ALF support network for patients; or Sharing the Journey, an ALF support network for liver transplant recipients.
- Join a Virtual Liver Life Walk from Oct. 1st to Oct. 31st and walk any day, anywhere, your way! Register today at liverlifewalk.org/virtual walk.
- Watch an On-Demand Program, Making the Most of Your Medical Visits. This video will empower you to actively participate in your medical care and share tips on how to partner with your health care team. Download the top ten tips and bring these to your next doctor’s visit!
ALF also offers free education for healthcare professionals and liver health screening events.
American Liver Foundation gratefully acknowledges our Think Liver Think Life® Premier Sponsor, Astra Zeneca, for their continued leadership and support in helping us reach those most in need in underserved communities. Additional sponsorship for the Think Liver Think Life campaign is included on our website, thinkliverthinklife.org. Support for the 30-day liver healthy meal plan was generously provided by Merck, Mid-America Transplant and My Fitness Pal.
For more information visit www.liverfoundation.org or call: 1 800 GO LIVER (800-465-4837).
*The nomenclature for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has recently changed to metabolic dysfunction associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD). Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) has been renamed to metabolic dysfunction associated steatohepatitis (MASH). Fatty liver disease is now called steatotic liver disease. Alcohol associated fatty liver disease is now called metabolic alcohol associated liver disease (metALD).
Contact: Julie Kimbrough
Direct dial: 646-737-9409
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SOURCE American Liver Foundation